What Jari posted:
Website: http://hallambaker.com/
" What is IANA, how does it work, how is it related to the IETF, and how has it evolved over time? How will it evolve in the future, and how can you participate in the discussion?"
Excuse me but when someone invites me to engage in an open ended conversation about the future of an Internet institution I intend to do precisely that.
On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Dave Crocker <dhc@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 1/4/2014 2:14 PM, Patrik Fältström wrote:
1. Jari posted a blog post about IANA, and I ask myself why IETF (yes, "we") can not stay focused
Email group discussions are easily distracted because:
1) the group often does not share a strong sense of needing to stay focused, and
2) no one carries the task of trying to help the group stay focused.
Neither of these is special to this mailing list, and we have all seen face-to-face meetings suffer the same problem. However in normal group meetings, there is usually pressure to be productive. We we typically have someone driving discussion and getting group agreement to have the focus created by that driving.
If we want IETF discussions to do a better job of staying focused, we need for a topic to have a facilitator who presses for that focus and we need them to do the usual summarizing and polling that we use elsewhere in the IETF.
Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking
Website: http://hallambaker.com/