Here is the list of suggested changes to
The following paragraph could be added to the Abstract:
This document provides an updated version of the guidelines for conduct
originally published in RFC 3184.
At the end of the Introduction section:
This document obsoletes RFC 3184 [RFC3184] and reclassifies it as Historic.
Section 2, Point 3 could be as follows:
3. IETF participants devise solutions for the Internet that meet the
needs of diverse technical and operational environments.
The IETF puts its emphasis on technical competence, rough consensus
and individual participation, and needs to be open to competent input
from any source. We understand that "scaling is the ultimate problem"
and that many ideas quite workable in the small fail this crucial test.
IETF participants use their best engineering judgment to find the
best solution for the whole Internet, not just the best solution
for any particular network, technology, vendor, or user. While we
all have ideas that may stand improvement from time to time, no
one shall ever knowingly contribute advice or text that would make
a standard technically inferior.
There is a change to the first sentence in the second paragraph (in
Point 3). I'll comment on Dave Crocker's suggestion (see
). The "as we build consensus in person and through email
discussions" leaves it to the reader to think about building
consensus. Please note that I agree with what Dave wrote about
"unanimity". The proposed text mentions that the IETF puts emphasis
on "rough consensus".
In Section 2, Point 4:
IETF participants read the relevant Internet-Drafts, RFCs, and
email archives in order to familiarize themselves with the
technology under discussion. Working Group sessions run on a
very limited time schedule, and sometimes participants have to
limit their questions. The work of the group will continue on
the mailing list, and questions can be asked and answered on the
mailing list. It can be a challenge to participate in a
working group without knowing the history of longstanding working
group debates. Information about a working group including its
charter and milestones is available on the IETF Tools web site
[TOOLS] or from the working group chair.
I removed "beforehand" and changed "when attending" to "to
participate" to cover any IETF activity.
In Appendix C:
o The text about "think globally" was removed as the meaning was
not clear.
o Added text about the IETF striving to create an environment in
which every person is treated with dignity, decency, and respect.
o The text about the goal of the IETF was replaced with text about
what the IETF puts its emphasis on.
At 15:48 15-12-2013, David Farmer wrote:
Thank you, this incorporates the concepts I was looking for.
I'll add an acknowledgement.
I like Dave's suggestion. Another small suggestion, the paragraph
uses both "person" and "participant". I wonder if it wouldn't be a
little cleaner to use only one or the other.
Please see my above comment about the suggestion.
The work of the IETF relies on cooperation among a diverse range of
people, ideas, and communication styles. The IETF strives, through
the guidelines for conduct, to create and maintain an environment
in which every person is treated with dignity, decency, and respect.
People who participate in the IETF are expected to behave in a
professional manner as we work together to develop interoperable
technologies for the Internet. We aim to abide by these guidelines as
we build consensus in person and through email discussions. If
conflicts arise they are resolved according to the procedures outlined
in RFC 2026 [RFC2026].
I replaced "All IETF participants" with "We".
S. Moonesamy