Erhan, Regardless on how you collect and aggregate meter data which is more in the application layer, 6LoWPAN provides you the benefits of having a uniform and "standard" platform with IPv6 support for the network layer. You can still use multiple communication technologies such as low power radios and aggregate data in a concentrator unit to be queried by your control center via 3G or Ethernet. Now if your "concentrator" also serves as a gateway to each subnetwork of close-by meters, the individual meters will be reachable via IPv6 and give your control center the ability to send control commands and query them for data if needed. I assume that your concentrator unit has more resources than a meter and the volume of data is not substantial, then you will not have a lot more processing load on it or your control center infrastructure. I agree with Samita that if you can share more specific details of your application to the WG you will give them a chance to evaluate the requirements of another real case scenario for the application of 6LoWPAN. Regards -Jorge