--On Tuesday, October 22, 2013 22:35 +0100 Noel David Torres Taño <envite@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi all > > I have an idea for e-mail enhancement regading security and > spam. Which Working Group should I join to? There is no active IETF WG devoted to those topics although, depending on what you want to propose, some might overlap. With no disrespect intended, but with memories of seeing a lot of messages and discussions that started out like the above, please start by carefully reading http://www.rhyolite.com/anti-spam/you-might-be.html. If any of the comments appear to apply to your idea, consider just moving on to something else. If not, you might investigate whether MAAWG has some activities that overlap with your concerns and solutions. If the IETF is the right answer, it is often better to get an Internet Draft posted that carefully explains the problem you believe needs a solution and why your approach solves it before going WG-shopping. Speaking for myself only. john