On 09/10/13 07:44, Andrew Sullivan wrote: > Dear colleagues, > > On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 10:55:08PM -0700, SM wrote: >> This is the second time that the IAB has issued a statement > Speaking only (empahtically only) for myself, I quite strongly > disagree. The IAB has issued no statement in this case. > > The text as posted is quite clear: > > ---%<---cut here--- > > "The leaders of organizations … have met" > […] > Russ Housley, Chair > Internet Architecture Board (IAB) > > --->%---cut here--- > > That does not say that the IAB has issued a statement. On the > contrary, the IAB did not issue a statement. I think the difference > between some individuals issuing a statement in their capacity as > chairs and CEOs and so on, and the body for which they are chair or > CEO or so on issuing a similar statement, is an important one. We > ought to attend to it. > > Please note that this message is not in any way a comment on such > leadership meetings. In addition, for the purposes of this discussion > I refuse either to affirm or deny concurrence in the IAB chair's > statement. I merely request that we, all of us, attend to the difference > between "the IAB Chair says" and "the IAB says". Andrew, Although there is obviously a difference in wording, it is not that simple. As people had the meeting and signed this directly linked to their roles (IAB chair, IETF chair), it implies to the public that there is a correlation with the organisation's positions and the support from their organisations, putting weight behind their statements. Don't get me wrong, I definitely support that this situation deserved statement to be made. But I support SM's proposal that it would be good to do a few days comment period for such important statements in the future - if timing is not critical. There is no harm in a few days delay and getting input from the community. And I second sm's concern that "The wording could have been different instead of one expressing a strong concern about the "revelations"." Agree, personally I am not concerned that certain activities were revealed, I am very concerned that some of these things happened in the first place. Best regards, Tobias > Best regards, > > A >