On 10/06/13 21:37, Pete Resnick wrote:
Russ, our IAB chair and former IETF chair, just sent a message to the
IETF list regarding a Last Call on draft-ietf-pkix-est. Here is the
entire contents of his message, save quoting the whole Last Call request:
On 6/10/13 1:45 PM, Russ Housley wrote:
I have read the document, I a support publication on the standards
I write gen-art reviews. A proportion of them at IETF Last Call, give
or take a bunch of boilerplate, consist of the word 'Ready'*.
How do you distinguish the usefulness (or otherwise) of such a review
from Russ' one liner?
* and some of the others say 'Not ready' followed by some or many lines
of comments.