Agreed - this is not so much about standards, but developer awareness. If we write any "how to" or similar informational documents, they should probably contain that type of discussion.
There is a browser aspect, however: Right now, users only have a binary choice about location disclosure, even though I suspect many users would be fine with "location disclosure for 911 only", not "disclose my fine-grained location for any purpose you like".
On May 27, 2013, at 1:51 PM, Richard Barnes < rlb@xxxxxx> wrote: Even for location delivery, there's not that much to say at the standards layer.
For *delivery*, the story is the same as with signaling. Either the RTCWeb VoIP service can translate the location information to comply with RFC 6442, or the PSAP can just build a web app that collects it however it likes.
For *determination*, it's about the browser. You can do browser-based geolocation today, to "OK" quality. Or the browser could implement the GEOPRIV protocols to benefit from network-provided location.
All that's about implementation/deployment though. I don't really see any new standards there.