I stare at the map of where the IETF meetings occurred (http://ws.org.br/index.php/IETF_Meetings) and wondering if the fact of bringing some of the meetings to below the Equator could lead to increase people participation. The answer is always negative. Will not increase participation of more people. Fellowships will help? Certainly not. Resources are finite. How then can we increase participation in meetings of the IETF? My answer to the question may seem strange: increasing the number of annual meetings. Currently there are three. How many? To twelve meetings per year, for example! As follows: 1. Pass the Annual Meetings of the IETF for two: say late March and late November; 2. Create two annual meetings in each one of the five RIR regions. For example, early February and early October. Will be Regional Meetings, with the same focus of current meetings with an emphasis on contribute to the next Annual Meeting. The dates above are only examples. But consider the folowing complementary ideas: a. Encourage grants for regional events b. Create well-defined rules, so that EVERYONE countries in the region are sequentially headquarters of the regional event, with the exceptions of the local situation. c. Annual Events can occur at fixed locations. Innovative and tireless people could think of IETF City, IETF University, etc. The logistics personnel could imagine where in the world, the Annual Events would be great for everyone. d. Create special Fellowships for participation in Annual Events based on regional activity of the grantee. e. Etc. Regards, Julião