Hi Fernando,
At 09:36 23-04-2013, Fernando Gont wrote:
What (specifically) do you have in mind? Both RFC4941 and this document
note that if you use the underlying IEEE identifier for the IID, that
becoames a "super cookie" that allows correlations. Is the much more to
say on the subject than that?
I don't have anything in mind at the moment. I suggest ignoring
it. I don't want to give anyone a reason to generate a DISCUSS. :-)
Can't "SHOULD" and "RECOMMENDED" be used interchangeably?
Please note that this is my opinion only. The short answer is yes.
I don't use the two interchangeably. I used "RECOMMENDED" as it was
to provide advice. Here are two examples:
(i) The person RECOMMENDED that this matter be dropped.
(ii) The person stated that this matter SHOULD be dropped.
The second example may sound oppressive.