> STEAM: BOF proposal for Berlin
> You may have noticed a recent trend in the IETF towards very
> lightweight protocols for the Internet of Everything.
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-draft-draft is the most fully
> developed proposal on the table today. It is extremely lightweight by
> simply using UDP and nothing else.
> Recently, however, that draft has been criticized for lack of
> congestion control. And rightly so, because the only way to have
> congestion control is to use TCP.
Is efficiency problem, did not you read draft-draft-draft ?
> And, TCP is all you need.
> But then, clearly, there aren't enough RFCs about TCP yet [RFC4627].
> A new WG will therefore develop "Secure TCP Extensions for Application
> and Management" (STEAM).
> Again, TCP is all you need, but it hasn't been used for Provisioning
> very much yet
Too complicated Daniel, you always attack my ideas since we twin babies together and now you attack even on our birthday.
D.Raft (Ms)