On 03/20/2013 12:18 PM, Eric Burger wrote:
How much is the concentration of corporate participation in the IETF a result of market forces, like consolidation and bankruptcy, as opposed to nefarious forces, like a company hiring all of the I* leadership? We have mechanisms to deal with the latter, but there is not much we can do about the former.
Sure you can - you can put in place formal requirements for disclosure
and actually make licenses which are recallable for frauds or other bad
acts in the process.
The issue isnt whether the goal of the IETF is a laudable one or not -
it clearly is, the issue is whether the IETF itself is responsible for
actions which its infrastructure is used to control are allowed or not
and what the issues for threshold of damages are.
Bluntly this IETF has no statistical idea on any of these things because
it has intentionally put in place controls which are either too complex
to implement or are glad-handed and ignored like the BCP78/79 rules
which say "All parties speak regularly with their sponsors legal
departments to keep them abreast on changes or things of interest in the
standards process"... (yeah right...).
No really - its about time everything here got locked down so everything
is open and a little-guy really can submit and promulgate a technology
through standardization.