SM, (it is generally appreciated in the IETF to use real first and last name). Generally, I think the topic has been well summarized by Fred and others, and I don't see how continuing it would generate new value. See below: On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 12:28 PM, SM <sm@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > [...] > Thomas Heide Clausen commented [2] about draft-cardenas-dff-09 [4]. I don't know the person (zero reputation). You also posted a review [3]. The first review is clearer. > [...] > 2. > 3. > 4. I glanced at the draft. Section 2.2 is about terminology. Section 14.1.1 also mentions terminology. There are different definitions for "Address". I am not sure what this is about because it does not seem related to this discussion. But since I am the editor of the mentioned document, I still wonder what you mean but "the person [has] zero reputation". There is a related topic on this mailing list about the mentioned draft, so I suggest sending your comments as reply to that thread. Best Ulrich