The IETF Nominations Committee (NomCom) continues to seek input from the IETF Community. The final list of candidates (as per RFC 5680) that the NomCom is considering for open positions can be found at: The NomCom will be holding office hours during IETF 85, Monday- Thursday from 1:00pm to 3:00pm in Room 305. The NomCom welcomes comments on specific individuals, as well as general feedback related to any of the positions that NomCom is considering. Note: A list of leadership positions that the NomCom is considering can be found at: If the NomCom office hours are inconvenient for you or if you cannot attend IETF 85, the NomCom is happy to take community input via email to nomcom12@xxxxxxxx. Additionally, the NomCom is happy to arrange a meeting outside of office hours, just send us email and we can set something up. Comments on specific candidates can also be provided to the NomCom via the web feedback tool: In order to ensure that your input is received in time to be useful, please provide your input on or before Sunday, November 11. Thank you for your help, - Matt Lepinski nomcom-chair@xxxxxxxx