Stephane: > On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 07:09:22AM -0700, > IAB Chair <iab-chair@xxxxxxx> wrote > a message of 155 lines which said: > >> This is an IETF-wide Call for Comment on 'Affirmation of the Modern >> Paradigm for Standards'. > > What's the point of this Call for Comment? Was there any chance that > the text could be modified (after all, it would require agreement of > all organisations). > > The way ticket #193 was closed without any explanation seems to > indicate that, no, there never was any chance for a change: > > The ticket is about this document: The document captures the affirmation that took place on 29 August 2012. The document needs to contain the words that were affirmed. Any changes are a future activity, not associated with this document. Russ