I really shouldn't, so soon after his last inflammatory rant, but here: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/05/08/ipv6_coming_next_month/ <Quote> One month from now, World IPv6 Launch Day with be upon us. Numerous online services will be enabling IPv6 and leaving it on. AAAA records will be published, and those of us with IPv6 enabled systems will start to use IPv6 preferentially to IPv4. But what does this all mean? For the short term at least, the truth is "not much". … </quote> Ignoring the obvious error with the preceding quote, on this occasion, he does at least appear to have one thing right: most people really aren't all that motivated, in the short term. The apathy continues a pace, and most of the industry is obliged to help in turn by doing almost nothing. Whether it will after June 6 is an open question, but I don't imagine he'll be far off there, either. What's important here, I think, is simply that the desire to have IPv6 deployed and running is outpaced by people's ongoing desire to ignore it. "Networking nerds" are happy because IPv6 at long last has a sporting chance. Everyone else just wants less of the hype. *Grumble* Cheers, Sabahattin