Publishing or propagating the image does not normally require consent:- If the person is an irrelevant or merely accidental part (Beiwerk) of a landscape or locality shown in the picture.
- If the person took part in a public meeting or event and is depicted on this occasion.
- If distribution or exhibition serves a higher artistic interest.
So - not misled.
Sent from my iPad Joel jaeggli wrote:
Michael StJohns wrote:
Martin - you and everyone else in the room gave permission by being in
the room. That's what the NOTE WELL is all about. So no, not illegal.
Specifically every registered attendee has accepted during the
registration process the note-well.
You're completely misled.In Germany (and probably all over Europe) that part of note wellwill not apply to the rights about your own picture/portrait.To obtain such a right, a seperate explicit and voluntary consentis required. That is a privilege guaranteed by law.-Martin