'twas just heading to the SIDR tools page in a effort to self inflict sufficient mental confusion that I would try to scoop my eyeballs out of their sockets with a rusty spoon, I was saved from myself by a bit of a hiccup in the system: Horrid cut-n-paste: "An error occurred at this point in the web-page generation. An error report has been sent to the webmaster. If this error isn't fixed within 48 hours, please contact the web page author directly. " % (timestr(filetime(cachename)), timestr(dirtime("."))) 451 # if not cachefile: include = filename = '/www/tools.ietf.org/wg/sidr/index.pyht' /www/cgi-bin/pyht.py in include(filename='/www/tools.ietf.org/wg/sidr/index.pyht') 222 223 if string.find(code, "\n") > -1: 224 exec code in execglobals, execlocals 225 else: 226 res = eval(code, execglobals, execlocals) code = ' \ntryinclude("head.pyht")\ntryinclude("top.pyht")\ntryinclude("drafts.pyht") \ntryinclude("bot.pyht")\n' global execglobals = {'Wg': 'Sidr', '__builtins__': , 'area': 'rtg', 'args': {}, 'basename': , 'cookie': , 'dirname': , 'env': {'REDIRECT_STATUS': '200', 'SERVER_SOFTWARE': 'A.../sidr/', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, deflate'}, 'escape': >, 'filetext': , ...} execlocals = {'__name__': 'embedded-code-at-line-6', 'datenow': '30 Nov 2011 01:53 GMT', 'filebase': 'index', 'filedate': , 'fileext': '.pyht', 'filename': '/www/tools.ietf.org/wg/sidr/index.pyht', 'filepath': '/www/tools.ietf.org/wg/sidr', 'filetime': , 'interpreter': '/www/cgi-bin/pyht.py', 'time': , ...} /home/www/tools.ietf.org/wg/sidr/ in () /www/cgi-bin/pyht.py in tryinclude(filename='top.pyht') 244 def tryinclude(filename): 245 if os.path.isfile(filename): 246 include(filename) 247 return "" 248 global include = filename = 'top.pyht' /www/cgi-bin/pyht.py in include(filename='top.pyht') 222 223 if string.find(code, "\n") > -1: 224 exec code in execglobals, execlocals 225 else: 226 res = eval(code, execglobals, execlocals) code = '\nchairlist = filetext("chairs.txt").rstrip().spl...f="mailto:%s">%s \\n\' %(chair[0], name))\n' global execglobals = {'Wg': 'Sidr', '__builtins__': , 'area': 'rtg', 'args': {}, 'basename': , 'cookie': , 'dirname': , 'env': {'REDIRECT_STATUS': '200', 'SERVER_SOFTWARE': 'A.../sidr/', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, deflate'}, 'escape': >, 'filetext': , ...} execlocals = {'__name__': 'embedded-code-at-line-70', 'ad': 'adrian@xxxxxxxxxxxx\tAdrian Farrel', 'adlist': ': Stewart Bryant, Adrian Farrel', 'chair': 'Sandra.Murphy@xxxxxxxxxx\tSandra Murphy', 'chairlist': ['Sandra.Murphy@xxxxxxxxxx\tSandra Murphy', 'morrowc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\tChris Morrow'], 'chartered': '2006-Apr-18', 'concluded': '', 'datenow': '30 Nov 2011 01:53 GMT', 'docroot': '/home/www/tools.ietf.org/', 'email': ['Sandra.Murphy', 'sparta.com'], ...} /home/www/tools.ietf.org/wg/sidr/ in () /home/www/tools.ietf.org/wg/sidr/ in getimg(path='../../photo/', name='Sandra Murphy') : No module named Image __class__ = __delattr__ = __dict__ = {} __doc__ = "Import can't find module, or can't find name in module." __format__ = __getattribute__ = __getitem__ = __getslice__ = __hash__ = __init__ = __new__ = __reduce__ = __reduce_ex__ = __repr__ = __setattr__ = __setstate__ = __sizeof__ = __str__ = __subclasshook__ = __unicode__ = args = ('No module named Image',) message = 'No module named Image' The above is a description of an error in a Python program. Here is the original traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/www/cgi-bin/pyht.py", line 449, in include(filename) File "/www/cgi-bin/pyht.py", line 224, in include exec code in execglobals, execlocals File "", line 3, in File "/www/cgi-bin/pyht.py", line 246, in tryinclude include(filename) File "/www/cgi-bin/pyht.py", line 224, in include exec code in execglobals, execlocals File "", line 12, in File "", line 21, in getimg ImportError: No module named Image -->" _______________________________________________ Ietf mailing list Ietf@xxxxxxxx https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf