I'm just winging this.
What do you think about having a Conformance Level model ?
Conformance Level 1 (CL1) - MUST [NOT] - minimum requirement
Conformance Level 2 (CL2) - CL1, SHOULD [NOT]
Conformance Level 3 (CL3) - CL1, CL2, MAY [NOT]
It allows author to declare in the RFC (abstract, intro perhaps) the
level of conformance he expects, i.e. "This Protocol only works best
with CL2 implementators." When an implementator sees that, it might
help in its decision making process on how much is supported. This is
also help remove the stigma of existing implementations being labeled
non-compliant, which quite frankly, those are "fighting words!" :)
Of course, out of the gate, all protocols must be a Conformance Level
1 protocol :)
Spencer Dawkins wrote:
Hi, Melinda,
Can anybody point to an incident in which lack of clarity around
2119 language caused problems, and it was determined that 2119
itself was the problem and not authors or editors being careless?
My recollection is that, at least since the early 2000s, most "problems"
were encountered with Last Call/Gen-ART (and probably other review team)
comments taking forms like
"Why is this SHOULD not a MUST?", or the ever-popular
"Why is this Informational draft using 2119 language??
There are probably variants I don't remember (I stopped being an active
Gen-ART reviewer when I began serving on the IAB, and I've slept since
In my comments on 2119bis
(http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ietf/current/msg68885.html), I was
suggesting that clarifications might head off some of these recurring
At this point, I would be fine with a draft (of any flavor - obsoleting,
updating, or just an IESG statement) that addresses whether these
questions are reasonable questions. I don't have a deep need to add the
(mostly reasonable) suggestions that have been made for new terms.
If the IESG thinks that's a reasonable thing to do, they can make a call
about the particular flavor, just fine ...
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