Hello all,
We reached the conclusion that the sunset period of 2 years for
advancing DSs to FSs or downgrading of them. However there are some
issues that should also be discussed, such as making references to DSs
during this period, DSs already in IESG processing, etc.
So, I propose to mention that:
During this period Full Standards as well as Proposed Standards are
allowed to make normative references to Draft Standards.
Regarding DSs already in IESG processing:
Upon approval of this document IESG SHALL NOT accept any requests for
advancing of Proposed Standards to Draft Standards. Those documents
that, at the time of publication of this document, will already be in
IESG processing for advancing to Draft Standards SHOULD automatically
be considered for advancing to Full Stndard; however IESG, on their
own discretion, MAY decide on discarding such document for further
work on it.
Another question is what should be done with RFC 5657
(http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5657), that is related to DSs, that are
terminated by the proposed document. My proposal is to make it update
RFC 5657 and mention that is changes its sphere of action to advancing
to FSs.
Any other ideas?
Mykyta Yevstifeyev
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