Dear all,
please note we have three relevant cell operators in Prague.
O2 -
(closest shop @ "Sokolovská 17, Praha",14.440632&sspn=0.004374,0.005295&ie=UTF8&t=h&rq=1&ev=p&split=1&radius=0.14&hq=o2&hnear=&ll=50.090968,14.440198&spn=0.004374,0.005295&z=18
T-Mobile -
same locality as O2
Vodafone -
(closest schop @ náměstí Republiky 1078/1, Praha)
I think most of them cover area neighboring Prague Hilton and Prague
city center by UMTS network in 2.1 Ghz band together with 1800/900 Mhz
GPRS/EDGE. All of the operators have USB modem for purchase but I'm
afraid drivers are Windows only.
I'm visiting shop selling O2 and T-Mobile in next few weeks to make sure
they can support non-czech customers with non-windows based devices :-)
Vodafone is located in a big shopping center crowded by tourists.
I can do one more favor for community. O2 has an promo proposal for
prepaid SIM card for CZK 95 (slightly lower value than 5 newly printed
USD). This card covers one week (seven days) for free Internet and I
regullary use them as "use and discard". I can buy a bunch of these
cards and make them available on basis of demand from the community for
not-for profit. So if you like to use this sim card, just drop me
PERSONAL e-mail message (do not reply to the list).
Michal Krsek
P.S: With those with iPad devices please note Czech mobile operators do
NOT provide micro SIM cards.
P.P.S: I'm resending this message later to 80attendees list.
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