Hi Sam,
At 00:18 11-11-10, Samuel Weiler wrote:
The IAOC offered four explanations at the plenary:
1) There's an RFC that requires us to wear badges.
If that is FYI 17:
"You need to be wearing your badge in order to get into
the terminal room."
You could remind the IAOC that not all RFCs are standards. :-)
3) We've had past problems with equipment disappearing, and
4) "The local host requires ... checking the people in the meeting
areas who are registered for the meeting". (Point 4 verbatim from
the transcript.)
That is likely a side effect due to meeting location or due to language issues.
The first two answers are not on point: we do not have badge police
on working group rooms at a normal IETF meeting[1].
By badge police, I gather that you mean that admittance to a working
group session is not regulated.
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