All, comments as the document shepherd. We have comments on the draft-ietf-mpls-tp-oam-framework in IETF last call from Yoshinori Koike, Jonathan Sadler and Ruiquan Jing. All are subscribed to IETF lists that were included in the working group last calls. 1. There are comments for the same the look and feel for operations across different networks based on different technologies, on OAM interoperability between different technologies. 2. There are comments on interworking/ineroperability/translation between networks based on different technologies. 3. There is a comment that the involvement (awarness) of the MPLS-TP work is not good enough on the ITU-T side. 4. There is a requirement to change the MEP/MIP architecture. 5. There is a comment that wants to add new information that is not technical in it character to the document. For comments on (1), this is a bit unclear, I assume that we are not talking about look and feel of bits on the wire but look and feel for the operational interfaces and procedures. This is captured in the overall MPLS-TP requirements: "To realize these goals, it is essential that packet-transport technology be available that can support the same high benchmarks for reliability and operational simplicity set by SDH/SONET and OTN technologies." and "Furthermore, for carriers it is important that operation of such packet transport networks should preserve the look-and-feel to which carriers have become accustomed in deploying their optical transport networks, while providing common, multi-layer operations, resiliency, control, and multi-technology management." So this is taken care of. For comments on (2). This was discussed during working group last call and prior, and it was discussed on the ITU-T ad hoc team list during the period when a response was written in response to the MPLS WG last call. The IESG position is that interworking different technologies is out of scope for the MPLS-TP project. The ITU-T did not make a request to include this requirement within MPLS-TP. In liaison from the ITU-T it was agreed that if and when ITU-T converges on such requirements they will be taken to the IETF through the MPLS change process (RFC4929). This comment should also be resolved. Comment 3, on ITU-T participation in the MPLS-TP project and in the review of the MPLS-TP documents I strongly object to to this comment, the entire project has been set up to guarantee that we have a good flow of information between the two organizations. Tthere are plenty of opportunities for the ITU-T to provide input both through their own procedures and through normal IETF procedures. Comments 4. The maintenance architecture as it is defined operates with functional groups that could be "attached" to e.g. an LSP at different points. MEPs are Maintenance End Points and can actively generate e.g. OAM flows and traffic to localize failures. MIPs are Maintenance Intermediate Points, which are passive and can only respond if a request are sent to them. The requirements involves a total re-wrap of the Maintenance architecture, it was discussed in Q10/15 and turned down as not aligned with the rest of the requirements we received form other operators. The MPLS-TP maintenace architecture is further explained and expanded upon in draft-ietf-mpls-tp-oam-framework. Further discussion on the maintenance architecture should take place in the context of that document, rather han in the context of the requirements document that should focus on functional requirements. Comment 5. This is a bit trickier since it asks for substantial additions, that is not requirements but descriptive text and tables. Given the nature of the information I'd would like to take it as an input to the MPLS-TP OAM Framework where it would fit nicely. /Loa -- Loa Andersson email: loa.andersson@xxxxxxxxxxxx Sr Strategy and Standards Manager loa@xxxxx Ericsson Inc phone: +46 10 717 52 13 +46 767 72 92 13 _______________________________________________ Ietf@xxxxxxxx