Personally, I would like to see deltas kept for updated charters,
especially the milestone information, so we can go back and find out
how timely a WG has achieved its completed objectives.
When I try to determine whether participating in a WG seems justified,
one thing I want to know is whether that WG if effective. Not being
able to see when a milestone was supposed to be completed versus when
it was completed makes that harder to determine. And when a re-charter
causes the old milestones to disappear, we are throwing away useful
I agree. And the view into old charter versions and old WGs is pretty
bad as it stands now. Or maybe I'm missing some directory somewhere
where all this information is nicely available. I have some tools that
track recharter events*, and constructing them was a pain. And now that
pain is coming again, because the web site reorg broke my html-parsers :-(
Anyway, if you want to see milestone information as well, then that's
yet another different problem from the pure charter changes. Milestones
get changed regularly through chairs and ADs reviewing current estimates
for work, completing work items, new ways to split work into drafts,
etc. If a milestone now says December 2009, it might have said something
different a month ago and the entire milestone might not have existed
when the most recent rechartering operation was performed.
http://www.arkko.com/tools/admeasurements/stat/chartering-activity.html and