On 9 jul 2009, at 18:15, james woodyatt wrote:
B) is open for debate: what precisely should be the set of primary
natural languages used in IETF documents? Should it continue to be
English only? I'd very much prefer to see *that* discussion
vigorously deferred while our archival format continues to be the
largest practical obstacle to multilingualism.
There are two things that together make it completely impossible to
adopt more working languages:
1. We don't have any other languages in common than English
2. We don't have the money for translation/interpretation services
Dus als we naast Engels ook andere talen gaan gebruiken betekent dat
dat de niet-Engelse documenten maar door een deel van de IETF-
participanten gelezen kan worden, wat natuurlijk niet de bedoeling is.
So if we start using other languages in addition to English then the
non-English documents can only be read by part of the IETF-
participants, which of course defeats the purpose.
Now I'd be very happy to be able to conduct IETF business in Dutch,
but I'd be very much opposed to having to learn a new language to
participate in the IETF. It took me long enough to learn English...