Re: XML2RFC must die, was: Re: Two different threads - IETF Document Format

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On 6 jul 2009, at 09.01, Yaakov Stein wrote:

... and don't get me started on LaTeX.
I am not sure what problems you had with LaTeX, but as someone who has
written thousands of pages using TeX,
I can't imagine anything better for professional document preparation.

On the other hand, the learning curve is relatively steep,
and its full power is not needed for the plain text documents that
most people participating in this thread seem to be writing.
Problem with LaTeX and TeX is the need for class libraries, and the  
lack of agreed upon way of distributing a LaTeX/TeX file with the  
class files needed (part from what is "standard"), or lack of  
automatic tools that include needed things from the class files to the  
source file.

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