The IAB and the RFC Editor have made updates to the formatting
of the title page for all RFCs [N3]. With these changes, the
upper left hand corner of the title page indicates the stream
that produced the RFC. This label replaces some of the
information that was previously provided in mandatory IESG
notes on non-IETF-stream documents. The IESG may choose to add
an IESG note to an Independent Submission or IRTF Stream
document that explains the specific relationship, if any, to
IETF work.
As written, this violates provisions of RFC 4846 as well as some
of the language in the current RFC Editor Model draft. The IESG
may _request_ that notes or other language be added.
Indeed -- thanks for catching this. It should say "may choose to
request" or some words to that effect.
I suggest: "The IESG may request the inclusion of an IESG note to an
Independent Submission or IRTF Stream document that explains the
specific relationship, if any, to IETF work."