More personal comments, based on having lost a laptop to a two-man team at the exit to the Brussels train station in the last two months.... I got hit upon arrival to the country, where I was badly jetlagged after arriving early into London Heathrow, and then taking a connecting flight to Brussels, and being badly short on sleep before starting the travel in the first place. So be especially vigilant on that first day, when your defenses are down and if you are desperately tired and/or jet lagged. In my case, one of them slimed the back of my jacket with spit and a what appeared to be mouthful of partially chewed sandwidch, and the other one tried to sell me postcards while babbling in French and pretending not to know English. When you're tired, grumpy because the train station is badly labelled and you're wondering whether you took the right escalator or not, and are generally lost, it's ridiculously easy for a pickpocket to overload you enough that while you thought you should know better, you don't. Other lessons learned/reinforced --- (1) back up your laptop before leaving on an trip, (2) keep a backup copy of your presentation on a USB stick stored separately in the luggage or on some system accessible outside of your firewall, so you don't have to try to regenerate it on the fly, (3) keep all sensitive information encrypted at rest on your hard drive, (4) never, *ever* set down a shoulder bag even under extreme provocation, (5) if something strange happens to you, don't stop, don't turn, just keep walking briskly away. Personally, my experience of Belgium was badly tarnished as a result of being hit by pickpockets, and I'm not at all keen on wanting to go back as a result. So a word to the wise --- be careful out there.... it really can happen to anyone, especially those who thought they were knew how to be careful enough. - Ted _______________________________________________ Ietf@xxxxxxxx