>>>>> "Robin" == Robin Whittle <rw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: Robin> Short version: I support Dimitri's suggested changes about Robin> the roles of Locators and Identifiers. Robin> The current draft still contains an Robin> erroneous inference that the one address could be used as Robin> both a locator (RLOC) and an identifier (EID). For the information of the IETF and IESG, I made a consensus call on the lisp list that there was rough consensus that there will be cases where the same IP stands both as an EID and a RLOC. Robin challenged this consensus call but has not found support on the list for his challenge. So, I believe the community disagrees with Robin's claim that the discussion of LISP identifiers and locators is erroneous. That said, I don't see that Dimitri's rewording of the second paragraph actually touches on how LISP identifiers and locators relate to each other. As such, I don't think there has been community discussion prior to his proposal that would either support or oppose his proposal. There is a desire to be done with the charter sooner rather than later. _______________________________________________ Ietf@xxxxxxxx https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf