At 14:24 08-02-2009, Contreras, Jorge wrote:
Sorry for jumping into this thread late, but I would recommend leaving
6.c and 6.c.iii as proposed in the TLP draft that was circulated.
I think "does not wish" is right, as it gives the new Contributor
maximum flexibility in withholding the right to make non-IETF derivative
works if his Contribution includes pre-5378 Material. I don't see any
of the proposed changes making this clearer or better.
I'm writing this in plain English. The trustees can convert it to legalese.
The new Contributor is using text from pre-5378 Material in a
document after RFC 5378 was published. The text was only available
for reuse within the IETF Standards Process as the Contributor has
not been given rights according to RFC 5378 from the author of that
text for reasons stated previously.
The new Contributor would like to say that the document contains
Pre-5378 Material and he/she can only give rights for modifications
within the IETF Standards Process. The new Contributor is unable to
give any rights for non-IETF derivative works as that falls outside
the Internet Standards Process.
This is not about the new Contributor "does not wish" or "elects" to
withhold the rights as he/she does not have a choice in the matter.