(6) In several places in the document, especially in the SOW for the RFC Series Editor and Independent Submission Editor, various actors are required to "work with" various other actors. That language, in context, implies that no one is in charge (or everyone is) and is the sort of thing that can lead to non-performance justifed by considerable finger-pointing. Other text seems to carry forward the problem of the RFC Editor Model document in assigning responsibility with no authority. In other cases, the final responsibility and authority seems to lie with the IAB. But the IAB (unlike the IESG) is not a management body (or has not been one since the late 1980s or early 1990s) and is not chartered to hire or fire anyone (other than its Chair). This is another reason why the issue raised in (3) above is relevant.
The IAB has a role in other appointments. The IAB selects a candidate for a seat on the IAOC every other year. The IAB also has a role in filling some seats on the ISOC Board of Trustees.
One possible implementation of the RFC Editor Model is for the IAB to select the RFC Series Editor and/or Independent Submission Editor in a manner similar to the way the person is selected to fill the IAOC seat. I believe that this has been in the document from the very first draft.
In the case of the RFC Series Editor, the role could be filled by the IAB or be determined as part of the Production Center contract. The RFI seeks information to help select the approach.
Once these roles are filled by IAB selection, IAOC contract action, or a combination of the two, then the day-to-day operations falls to the chosen RFC Series Editor and Independent Submission Editor. The IAB maintains an oversight role. So, you seem to be asking when the IAB would act to replace a person that it has elected to fill one of these roles. Is that right? What document do you think should state the criteria and/or process? Suggestions? (This topic is clearly not discussed in RFC 4844.)
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