Hi Julian,
I'd like to try to answer one of your questions:
As far as I understand, HELD is used to query for location information.
Right now, the details of the query are encoded in a POST body as
defined by the XML Schema in
A GET works the same way as an empty POST request (as shown in 11.1).
This really smells like over-engineering.
Why aren't these things simple query parameters in a GET request?
The short answer is that the WG (and the HELD authors in particular)
perceive a need for this protocol to have an extensible request syntax.
This document (-http-location-delivery) defines a very basic
request-response container for location-request and -response messages.
In this basic form, it supports the simple case where the HELD server
can determine the client's location based only on the client's IP address.
Often, however, the HELD server requires additional information to
determine the client's location. The most basic example of this is when
the HELD server computes the client's position based measurements of the
network, such as 802.11 signal strength measurements. These
measurements could be embedded into a HELD request using the extensions
to the XML request syntax defined in the following draft:
It's fair to note that the WG has not adopted any HELD extensions as WG
documents. However, GEOPRIV is currently considering whether to adopt
them, so it seems to make sense to provide a simple way to extend the
request syntax.