We've never intentionally delivered audio streaming to the rrg before,
the recorder was removed at 15:30 not after lunch based on my need to
pack my remaining equipment based on the stage that we were at in
network teardown.
The proposed "friday afternoon experiment" and or some acknowldgement
that rrg(typically friday) iepg (sunday morning) et al are part of the
regular program and require the same service level (ie wireless network
should stay up etc) do I think reflect the evolving nature of the
meeting, but also represent mission creep. if the requirements are
evolving from production network and services on sunday at noon till
friday at noon towards sunday 0900 and friday a 1700 then the people
operating those services need to know that.
Marshall Eubanks wrote:
MP3 service was lost during the RRG meeting Friday after lunch. There
were several
remote attendees, and they complained on jabber, so this was loss was felt.
It really doesn't matter now whether this was planned or an accident,
but I would urge
either that meetings held on Friday afternoon have this support (even if
it has to be
run from someone's laptop), or that meetings not be held Friday afternoon.