One other request from someone else who is also remote for this meeting:
- Can chairs (or others) please ask those going to microphones to
raise questions to *please* state their names as they start to speak?
Some people are frequent commenters and their voices are well-known...
but others are not. It's helpful to remote folks to know who is
P.S. And +1 to Philip's other points.
On Jul 28, 2008, at 7:19 AM, Philip Matthews wrote:
Just a quick note on what chairs could do to help out remote
participants, from someone who is trying to participate remotely for
the first time this week.
In order of priority (most important first):
1) Ensure all meeting materials are uploaded before the session
begins. Ideally, the various presentations would be listed (on the
meeting materials page) in the same order as they appear in the
agenda, but otherwise they should have good names so the correct
presentation can be easily found. [Following a presentation without
seeing the slides can be VERY difficult.]
2) Ensure everyone uses a microphone.
3) Ensure someone monitors the jabber chat room. If you cannot find
a scribe, at least have someone watching for questions, especially
simple questions like "what slide are we on now" or "who is that at
the mic?".
4) Ensure all presentations have slide numbers and have the jabber
person type in slide changes. (It is often hard to tell from just
audio clues).
- Philip
Dan York, CISSP, Director of Emerging Communication Technology
Office of the CTO Voxeo Corporation dyork@xxxxxxxxx
Phone: +1-407-455-5859 Skype: danyork
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