The IETF Trust is considering adopting a policy for granting rights in
IETF documents as required by draft-ietf-ipr-outbound-rights-06.txt.
The IPR WG will be considering this policy during its session on 31 July
at IETF 72 in Dublin. Community comments during that session and on
this list are requested.
The second iteration of that Draft policy dated 7-17-08, along with its
predecessor dated 7-04-08, can be found at: in doc, pdf and txt
Policy areas covered include:
1. Licenses to IETF Documents during the Standards Process
2. Licenses to IETF Documents outside the Standards Process
3. Licenses that are *not* granted
4. License to Code Components
5. Pre-Existing Documents
6. License Limitations
7. Text to be included in IETF Documents
Some changes include:
a. 2ciii
to copy, publish, display and distribute unmodified portions of IETF
RFCs (ADD - other than Code Components, as defined in Section 3.a below)
and translations thereof, provided that:
b. 2ciii (y)
all IETF legends, legal notices and indications of authorship contained
in the original IETF RFC must also be included where
(DELETE - more than one half) (ADD - any substantial portion of the
text of an IETF RFC, and in any event where more than one-fifth
of such text), (DELETE - of an IETF RFC) is reproduced in a single
document or series of related documents.
c. 2di
any license to modify IETF RFCs (ADD - or portions thereof) (other than
to make translations (ADD - or to use Code Components
as permitted under the licenses granted under Section 3 of this
document)) in any context outside the IETF Standards Process,
d. 2f
Termination. The IETF Trust may terminate any license granted under
Section 2 of this document if the licensee has, in the
judgment of the IETF Trust, materially breached the terms of such
license. (ADD - For the avoidance of doubt, such right to terminate
does not apply to licenses granted under Section 3 with respect to Code
e. 3a
For ease of reference, Code Components in IETF RFCs (ADD- MUST be
clearly identified as code, and one technique for clearly identifying it
f. 3b
Copyright (c) <YEAR>, IETF Trust and (ADD -the persons identified as
authors listed in the associated RFC.) All rights reserved.
g. 7f
ADD - For the avoidance of doubt, each Contributor to the IETF Standards
Process licenses each Contribution that he or she makes as part of the
IETF Standards Process to the IETF Trust pursuant to the provisions of
[-Inbound]. No language to the contrary, or terms, conditions or rights
that differ from or are inconsistent with the rights and licenses
granted under BCP 78, shall have any effect and shall be null and void,
whether published or posted by such Contributor, or included with or in
such Contribution.
The IETF Trust expects to adopt a policy upon the publication of
Your input is most appreciated.
Ed Juskevicius
IETF Trust
Ray Pelletier
IETF Administrative Director