Hi Philemon,
At 01:46 16-11-2007, philemon wrote:
Sorry for leading IPv4/IPv6 issues/debats back to the Africa
context. indeed, it is important for us who live in this area to
undesrtand what is our specific fate, what are our expectations in
connection with the 'coming' IP protocol ( I mean IP v6).
One note a king of hypocrisy, even in Africa, about the extent of
the CURRENT importance or necessity of IPv6 in Africa. Hereupon, i
want to share with you my analyze.
The keen interest for IPv6 is very very weak throughout the
continent http://www.afrinic.net/statistics/ipv6_resources.htm
The cause of this fact are numerous:
- People are not aware on additional benefits IPv6 should bring in
their life; thereby no thing is motivating them sustain to dynamic
towars IPv6. The main cause is the fact that there is no active
e-strategy program in the different governement political/policy agenda.
Connectivity is not high on the agenda as Africa faces more pressing
- Many organisations including afrinic try to initiate some capacity
building programs upon IPv6 for the attention of mainly some
technical bodies (ISPs...). Since then, not sure that things are
going ahead at the exepected speed. We can therefore wonder: Was it
strategic to beging the consciousness-raising compaign focusing on
those specific bodies? If so why things are not moving upon in Africa?
As Africa looks up North, they don't see significant deployment of
IPv6. The exhaustion matter may serve as a wake up call to Africa if
they plan on significantly expanding their network.