On Sep 12, 2007, at 19:07 , ietf-discuss@xxxxxxx wrote:
nevertheless i hope that you will help fix ARIN if it's broken. but
in this case i think what's broken is bigger than ARIN. the community
badly needs a way to allocate addresses, which as in your example, are
unlikely to appear in the global routing table (sometimes called
these addresses should have whois, in-addr, and so on, so that they
be used in "ubiquitous manet"'s and ad-hoc wireless. given that the
internet core can't handle growth of PI, and no large internet entity
in their right mind would use PA, it is past time to end what i call
"the tyrrany of the core".
http://sa.vix.com/~vixie/ula-global.txt has my thoughts on this, which
i've appropriated without permission from hinden, huston, and narten
and inaccurately failed to remove their names from (since none of them
supports the proposal). in fact, nobody in the ietf intelligensia
supports the proposal. the showstopped is that this appears to
many as
an end-run around PI, and the fear is that there's no way to
prevent it
from all getting routed anyway.
You have my support for the most part, for whatever that's worth.
The only part I disagree with is the involvement from the RIRs: those
cater to ISPs 99% of the time and are as such in a bad position to
sell addresses that aren't related to internet service provision.
Selling these prefixes fits much better with the way domain
registrars operate.