Again, thanks to Dave and Olaf for putting this together, and converting it
to ION format.
An ION (IETF Operational Note, see RFC 4693) is open for public comment
on the ietf@xxxxxxxx list. Comments should be sent by 2007-02-12.
Note that some early reviewers have suggested that this document
is not really needed, since IETF minutes are already of a
good enough standard. Opinions on this point are welcome.
Well, some definitely are good enough, but I provide a decent amount of
notes to WG chairs at each IETF, and I do see some chairs publish my raw
notes as minutes with no summaries, so I'd say it's certainly not going to
make the situation WORSE...
Please see
In RFC 2418, section 6.1, this text appears:
Communicate results of sessions
Immediately after a session, the WG Chair MUST provide the Area
Director with a very short report (approximately one paragraph,
via email) on the session.
Recent IETF mailing list traffic indicates that many working groups do this,
but at IETF 67, at least a couple of ADs indicated that they had NEVER seen
one of these reports. It would be nice to mention the "immediately-after"
reports in this ION.
(It would also be nice if these reports were shared with the working groups,
but that's another story, and maybe controversial for the first version of
this ION)
I also noticed "providessuggestions " as a typo, which does make me wonder -
we rely on the RFC Editor for proof-reading, but we're not sending IONs to
the RFC Editor. Is there a plan?