The view from my knot hole is that back in the 1990s, the IETF was a meritocracy in which the power of proven technical insight plus running code determined our leadership. Our community has been steadily evolving as times and membership changed. Your posting reminds me from statements from the French Revolution roughly 200 years ago. The part of your posting that confuses me is the "every voice heard and counted"? Certainly you don't mean "every voice" since most people know nothing about Internet technologies. So what do you mean? I also fail to descern why you don't think that the curent approach works. Specifically, I'd prefer NOMCOM to be populated by people who actively participate in the IETF and who have a pulse on our community (i.e., I still buy into the concept of 'meritocracy' -- it has served us well). Do you really object to this? Why? From: todd glassey [mailto:tglassey@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] >No Stewart it doesn't. The leadership in the IETF needs to be washed clean >and made pure again. That will only happen when all the smoke and mirrors' >are stripped clean and the will of the proletariat actually considered >instead of what is done today. >NOMCOM and a non-electoral model are what need to go away - The IETF needs >to be a place where EVERY VOICE is heard and counted. >Todd Glassey. _______________________________________________ Ietf@xxxxxxxx