I don't know of a status change to IMA in this time interval.
Frank Ellermann wrote:
Henrik Levkowetz wrote:
Please provide more data (off-list) as this seems odd.
Will do (ordinary moderation bounce), but on list I should fix
the bogus URLs I've posted here (I forgot one "gmane", sorry):
http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.ietf.tools (NNTP, RSS, HTTP, search)
http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.ietf.ima (NNTP, RSS, HTTP, search)
I've no clue if I'm "additionally" subscribed or not, as this
is irrelevant from my POV, because it would be disabled (only
for the W3C URI list I get everything twice, even three times
if somebody sends a courtesy copy, it has no "disable" option).
Bye, Frank