Re: 2 hour meetings

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At 9:56 -0800 3/25/06, Andy Bierman wrote:
Edward Lewis wrote:
Temper, not "remove."  Taking a few moments to set the problem up for the
uninitiated and then assuming they have the protocol engineering smarts is
all I'm asking.
The purpose is not to explain the entire draft to tourists
with slideware.
"Taking a few moments to set up the problem" doesn't mean "explain 
the entire draft."  In many cases, one a few sections of a draft need 
to be discussed face-to-face.  Even for the regular attendees, 
sometimes a restating of the problem is beneficial, if just to set 
the context.
Edward Lewis                                                +1-571-434-5468

Nothin' more exciting than going to the printer to watch the toner drain...



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