At 04:49 01/03/2006, Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:
These questions will sort themselves out. There is no conflict or
ambiguity unless ICANN decides to issue the same TLDs.
Dear Phillip,
Full agreement. Let not confuse alt-roots and open-roots. The Chinese
TLDs are in the top zone for nearly 2 years. The problem is that we
have now to adopt an official doctrine concerning the different
official roots we will see emerging this way. Several meetings where
held on different premises recently which stayed unconclusive. ICANN
has a contested proposition of testing. A new IDN TLD WG emerged a
few hours ago. Today the theory of the single authoritative root file
seems to still prevail. But after the GSMA deal with Neustar ...
everyone knows that a global walled garden has only a few chances not
to leak. Is that still supposed "single" authoritative file/folder
(?) real, virtual?
Difficult to say.
PS. Have a good drink!