Anthony G. Atkielski wrote:
Andy Bierman writes:
I think you missed my point.
I should have said "enforce or abide by draconian rules".
Automating the process is even worse.
Then stupid scripts disrupt WG activity on a regular basis.
Inappropriate mailing list use should be dealt with by the
WG Chair(s) in a more diplomatic manner.
Well, one option is to stop trying to restrict access to lists to
begin with. The problem with having a human being make the decision
is that human beings are notoriously biased.
If we did this, our mailing lists would be bombarded with SPAM
from non-subscribers.
There is an appeals process (of that we are too painfully aware)
that can be used for people who are told by a WG Chair that
they are using the mailing list in an inappropriate manner, and still
insist on continuing their behavior.
I have found that only the worst managers deal with
bad apples by burdening the entire group with oppressive rules.