On Monday, November 28, 2005 12:00:44 PM -0800 Bob Braden <braden@xxxxxxx>
The RFC Editor has experimented with using xml2rfc for this purpose,
and found it awkward and inefficent for producing properly formatted
ASCII text. But the two issues of primary concern to the IETF should
be the acceptable input formats (currently ASCII text and/or RFC 2629
XML) and the desired publication format(s).
And, perhaps, the interchange formats used between authors and the RFC
Editor during AUTH48.
But I think you've made an important point here, and it surprises me
somewhat that it needs to be said aloud among people who spend so much time
designing network protocols.
The formats of documents...
- submitted the I-D repository
- discussed in working groups
- in last call
- submitted for publication
- exchanged during AUTH48
- published as RFC's
... are all _interchange_ formats. They are network protocol elements, of
a sort, and it is approriate to require for them a particular, well-defined
format. It's appropriate to require them to use a particular natural
language, a particular file format, and particular conventions for document
structure, layout, etc.
We could use different sets of requirements for each stage of the process,
or the same set for all. Currently, we're not at either extreme. We have
a fairly loose set of requirements for things submitted to the I-D
repository, and somewhat more stringent requirements by the time a document
is sent to the RFC Editor. And, the _output_ of the RFC Editor process is
yet another format which is slightly different and a lot more stringent.
The formats of documents being edited by authors and editors, or by the RFC
Editor, are _not_ interchange formats. They are what in protocol design we
call "implementation details", and they are best left up to the individuals
involved, not dictated centrally.
We don't tell implementors what language or compiler to use.
We don't tell people what MUA they must use to participate in IETF lists.
We shouldn't tell authors and editors what tools they must use, either.
So, we need to ask ourselves some questions:
- What interchange format do we want to use at each stage of the process?
- Are there stages at which we want more than one interchange format,
and, if so, which one is authoritative?
Personally, I think the following are reasonable requirements:
- For documents at every stage up to and including RFC-Editor input:
- Documents MUST be plain english text, encoded in US-ASCII.
- Aside from the required header at the top of the document, no
particular formatting is required.
- Headers, footers, and page breaks are not required (if people really
want them, so be it; I find them of marginal use and a source of much
pain in computing diffs, even with good tools).
- We can argue about line length limits; I happen to find them
convenient, but they probably don't matter much any more.
- Documents MAY include references to diagrams, etc., using one of
the popular image formats of the day (JPEG? PNG?). However, it MUST
be possible to correctly understand the document and to comply with
its requirements without referring to the image (this can perhaps
be waived early in the process, but I'd certainly want to see it
met by last call).
- Documents SHOULD include copies of whatever source form the editor
is using, to facilitate transfer to a new editor if necessary. The
preferred form is WHATEVER THE AUTHOR IS ACTUALLY USING; the idea is
to avoid information loss by using something as close as possible to
the source.
- The document, images, and source are published as a group. IMHO it
should be possible to retrieve the whole set or just the text.
- For documents published by the RFC Editor:
- Plain English text, UTF-8, formatted in some reasonable fashion
- Associated images published alongside the text
- Presentation form (PDF?) published alongside the text, with images
- Structured source in a standard format, suitable for use as a starting
point in creating new versions.
- Author's original source should be archived and available on request.
- Embedded code, MIB's, ASN.1 modules (anything that today would have
to compile to get past the IESG) available as separate files.
Both during last call and when an RFC is published, the authoritative
version should be the plain text version, for several reasons:
- It is the most future-proof
- Many people will review that version (not the source) anyway
- Different people reviewing the document might see something different
due to differences in their tools or environment. This inconsistency
is problematic when we are trying to get a large number of people to
agree on the _same_ text.
- It is imperative that the published authoritative version have the same
content as the version that was reviewed. This seems most easily
achieved by using formats which are similar enough that it is possible
to verify the content is the same(*).
I believe that diagrams should be handled similarly. While they should
always be considered non-normative, diagrams will often be consulted by the
users of our specifications, and thus should be subject to the same review
as the text itself.
Both the reviewed and published "authoritative" versions of diagrams should
be images, not the structured data used to create them (though that should
be made available as well, where feasible). This allows someone to look at
the published diagram and insure it is the same as what was reviewed.
-- Jeff
(*) Note that this verification _does_ happen prior to publication, during
AUTH48. So, the authors need to see what the final published version
will look like. They don't so much need to see the RFC Editor's
internal representation, because the authors don't edit that directly.