Greetings - In response to concerns raised about the licensing provisions described in section 9.5 of the IETF Trust the Settlors have agreed to modify the language as follows: "9.5 Licenses. The Trust (acting through the Trustees) shall have the right to grant licenses for the use of the Trust Assets on such terms, subject to Section 7.1, as the Trustees deem appropriate; provided, however, that the Trust shall not grant any license that would be deemed a transfer of ownership or abandonment of any Trust Assets under applicable law. Specifically, any license granted by the Trust for the use of the Trust Assets consisting of IPR other than rights in IETF standards-related documents (such as RFCs, Internet Drafts and the like) that have been acquired by the Trust through non-exclusive licenses granted by their contributors pursuant to the IETF community-approved procedures currently set forth in RFC 3978, and any community-approved updates and revisions thereto, shall include provisions stating that (a) the licensee agrees to grant and assign to the Trust all right, title, and interest it may have or claim in any derivative works of licensee that are based on or incorporate the IPR, and (b) the licensee's use of the IPR and any goodwill associated therewith shall inure to the benefit of the Trust." Including the reference to RFC 3978 and future community updates with regard to standards related documents should make clear our intentions and provides the cleanest way to ensure that the communities concerned our addressed directly by the founding document. The IAOC thanks the Settlors for moving quickly to adopt this language. Please send questions or comments to: ietf@xxxxxxxx or iaoc@xxxxxxxx Lucy E. Lynch Academic User Services Computing Center University of Oregon llynch (541) 346-1774 _______________________________________________ Ietf@xxxxxxxx