Yet again people are sending messages to the list which deviate
from their claimed subject line and involve statements about
individuals which seem to have little relevance.
I request everybody to stop sending such messages, and to
stop replying to them since that only amplifies the disruptions.
Brian Carpenter
IETF Chair
XXX, your presumption of being above the law and able to act without any
regard or recognition of responsibility and obligation is exactly how
organizations get into legal trouble.
The IETF is an activity of the ISOC. The ISOC is incorporated in the US, has a
corporate charter, bylaws, and various duties imposed on it. It is subject to
US law, and it seems, Massachussets state law. We'll see.
Officially, this might be the case. De facto, is is something much
larger, with much greater girth on the globe.
[** BTW, YYY just recently sent me a nasty gram, 6 years later. For
those of you who don't know the story (most of you who aren't Nanog members),
YYY was fired from ZZZ in 1999 after Nanog members encouraged him to abuse
our relays.
Sounds like corporate law enforcement to me.
This was at a time when Nanog members claimed that no laws applied
to the Internet.
Was he persecuted for anything?