On Mon, 3 Oct 2005, Peter Constable wrote: > > From: Dean Anderson <dean@xxxxxxx> > > > In the message Randy concludes that > > > > "If anyone wishes to raise an issue, (s)he should do on on the working > > group > > mailing list by posting a message detailing the concern and, if > > possible, > > supplying proposed replacement text." > > > > But it would seem that Morfin did just exactly that, with a lot of > > supporting documentation. It seems to me that Randy Presuhn just doesn't > > want to address the concerns raised, nor does he want anyone _else_ to > > address the concerns. > > Not the case at all. Everyone else in the WG that was voicing pertinent > concerns was doing so (i) in a reasonably clear manner that all could > understand (ii) on the list and (iii) whenever appropriate supplying > specific suggested revisions to the text. There were occasions on which > Mr. Morfin made clear and pertinent comments on the list, and when he > did they were welcomed. On some occasions, he suggested specific text, > and when he did those suggestions were considered openly. On several > occasions, however, he posted messages that tended toward being opaque > or overly long or both, and far more often than not he didn't give > concrete suggestions for specific textual changes. Within some of those > often-lengthy posts he pointed to documents he had placed on other > sites, and there were many things that led others in the WG to believe > that the material on those other sites was supporting his entirely > different agenda rather than the work of the WG. Perhaps some of that > content was useful to the work of the WG, but by that point there was > already a high level of frustration among many WG members, such that > there really was an onus on him to demonstrate that it would be > worthwhile to spend the time going off to review them. This he did not > do. In this case, I reviewed the documents supplied by Morfin, and did not find it particularly onerous to do so. You seem to be criticizing him for making the effort to show that in fact his points were worthwile. A catch-22. As for concrete suggestions, in one of the six messages I reviewed was a suggestion to remove certain text from the draft. This too, was criticized for "failing to provide alternate text". That is a frivolous criticism. > > In fact, Randy actually admits in the same message to having advised others > > _not_ to review Morfin's objections. That seems to be contrary to Last > > Call. > > I'm not aware of any occasion on which Randy advised members of the WG > not to review Last Call comments that had be submitted in the expected > manner on the WG or IETF lists. You can look at the message I quoted. Particularly this passage by Randy: ...I posted a message to ietf at ietf.org suggesting that reviewers' time would be better spent on the working group documents that are under last call, rather than trying to make sense of the polemic on that website. > > The sample, limited as it is, seems to confirm an unjustifiable personal > > attack on Morfin based, it seems, on personal dislike and intolerance for > > his English language skills > > IMO your limited sample is not sufficient to support your point. Yes, it is only six messages. But significantly, in that six there is one plainly inappropriate response from the WG Chair. It seems that Morfin is being mistreated. I'd say that you now have an obligation to show that this mistreatment is somehow justified, before I review dozens more messages by Morfin. It seems not to be justified. > If it were representative, then one would expect that several others > monitoring the WG discussions would be providing that confirmation. I have not > seen any indication of that happening. This is a false premise. First, silence does not indicate agreement. But even if everyone on the WG did want him removed, their reasons must be due to actual and unreasonable misbehavior that prevents the working group from functioning. Personal dislike, even if unanimous, is insufficient. No serious engineering can be done as a personal popularity contest. --Dean -- Av8 Internet Prepared to pay a premium for better service? www.av8.net faster, more reliable, better service 617 344 9000 _______________________________________________ Ietf@xxxxxxxx https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf