Anthony G. Atkielski wrote:
Michael Mealling writes:
The system that faced the users would be inherently trademark friendly
and wouln't be hierarchical.
There are lots of users of the Internet besides trademark holders. I
don't see why this latter group deserves special consideration.
Because, particular codifications of it in the law aside, it represents
a pretty good description of how human beings cognitively use names and
words. It has many centuries of operational experience and it apparently
works for everything humans need it to. But for some reason those of us
who designed the Internet seem to think we're above all of that and can
dictate a system to the end users that's dissonate with how they
actually think and view the world.
The output of such a system wouldn't be an IP address but instead a
complex record that described a compound object called a 'service'.
I always get nervous when I hear talk like this. I can picture the
5000-page committee-designed specification already.
Well, I didn't want to get into specifics but from what I've seen a URI
with a service identifier tag seems to be fine for everyone that has
looked a the problem.... So you shouldn't be nervous, the web seems to
be working just fine....
Michael Mealling Masten Space Systems, Inc.
VP Business Development 473 Sapena Ct.
Office: +1-678-581-9656 Suite 23
Cell: +1-678-640-6884 Santa Clara, CA 95054