On 28-aug-2005, at 19:55, Bruce Lilly wrote:
One important nit: Reply-To is an originator field (RFC 2822) and
never be forged by somebody or something (e.g. list expander) other
than the
Well, to me, the mailing list "re-originates" the message, so I don't
see the problem.
(Why did you set a reply-to header, then?)
Kmail, Evolution, and Sylpheed each have options for sending a
response to
the message author directly, and Pine prompts for a user decision.
others, selection from a list or copy-and-paste often suffice.
The trouble is that the mail clients I'm familiar with (and that's
not too many, somehow learning a new one always freaks me out) give
the user the option to either reply to the sender (as in: address in
the From: header) or do a group reply, where everyone else is put
into the CC: header. What I would really like is "reply to the list"
but that's not an option. Removing the sender in To: and moving the
list from CC: to To: is too much work: there is considerable mousing
or complex keyboard stuff involved. I know it sounds silly that a two-
second task would be too much work, but then, apparently the much
simpler task of simply removing any unnecessary text left at the
bottom of the finished message (shift-apple-cursor down backspace in
my case) is deemed too hard for more and more people, with the result
that each reply contains all messages before it, if these lazy
bandwidth-wasters are left to their own devices.
the most effective ways to remedy the problem are to contact the
supplier or
Not effective at all. My mail client is broken in several ways since
the last OS update several months ago, but so far, the bugs aren't
even acknowledged, let alone fixed. So feature requests: forget it.
failing a suitable enhancement, to switch to a UA that does provide
the desired functionality.
Is there a list of what functionality can be found where?