Margaret Wasserman wrote:
Hi All,
In reviewing the IASA BCP draft, I noticed that there are no specific
requirements regarding the level of transparency or openness expected
from the IAOC. IMO, we should be careful to start this activity with a
well-established understanding regarding the level of transparency and
openness that we expect.
Do we expect the IAOC to keep minutes of their meetings and post them
publicly (unless there is a specific reason not to post a certain
section)? Specific reasons might include: personnel issue and/or
sensitive negotiation-position-related information.
Do we expect the IAOC mailing list archives to be publicly available?
no, that would prevent any email on sensitive contractual or personnel
Should the IAOC maintain a web site that lists its members and their
e-mail addresses?
Should the same web site also include a record of all written/legal
correspondence received by or sent by the IAOC (with sections removed if
absolutely necessary for confidentiality)?
I think that is an onerous requirement
Should all of the official IAOC decisions be announced publicly?
yes, ietf-announce
do we expect a regular (monthly?) report on IAOC activities?
I'd say the mandatory frequency should be per IETF meeting
If we think that it is reasonable to require any of these things, which
ones should apply to the IASA TT that we just formed?
exactly the same ones