Agree with Joel here.
I would hate to see someone "appeal" an IAD decision because they happened to disagree with it. That would make the job impossible.
There probably are some things that should be subject to appeal. I don't know what they would be. If we can not list them, I don't think we dare create an appeal process.
The IADs job is administration. We need to hire an IAD and let him do his job with sufficient oversight / review (that's what the IAOC is for.)
Note that if the IAD decisions are sufficiently transparent, then if the community really dislikes the decisions, then the community leadership will look into better directing or if necessary replacing the IAD.
I think this is where Klensin usually says, "or the community will look into better directing or if necessary replacing the community leadership". I happen to like this idea, because I'd rather see one or two blow-ups (and we don't have many) compared to endless second-guessing by random IETF participants at the detailed level. If the IAD really blows it and the community leadership doesn't act, keep those cards and letters coming in to nomcom@xxxxxxxxxxx
Bradner is fond of pointing out that we have no admission controls on Internet Drafts, but since oversight will almost certainly be based on judgement and taste, there had better be admission controls on appeals of oversight. If it's as easy to appeal an IAD decision as to post to ietf@xxxxxxxx (for example), that may not be a good thing.
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